WWW.THEDRIVERSEDGE.NET :: Texas World Speedway - College Station, TX
The Driver's Edge    If you've never driven at a track event in your life, I HIGHLY recommend you go.  Not only will you learn you really had no idea how to drive, but you will also learn SO much on how to drive correctly.  Not to mention the FUN FUN FUN factor!  Did I mention these are fun?  Where else do you get to drive as fast as you want without the fear of running into something, or getting arrested? You get to learn so much about yourself, your abilities, and what your car's abilities are.
    These track events are typically a weekend long and last from about 9-5 both days.  You will see about 4 runs on each day lasting about 20-25 minutes.  In between you have a chance to take your car out on the slalom course to practice your smoothness in driving and how to transfer the car's weight.  The slalom is a series of cones spaced 100 ft apart.  The trick is to drive as fast as possible while still being able to smoothly negotiate the cones. Most people do around 55-65mph with some skill.
    High performance driving doesn't come without it's toll though; and it's mostly on your body.  You will get fatigued, dehydrated, and hungry out there.  It's 20-25 minutes of FAST, intense concentration along with precise muscular movements. It will wear you out.

Below is list of some articles you may find handy to have with you. Use this list as just a guideline and not a bible of what to bring.

  • Tools - misc. screwdrivers, wrenches, ratchets, etc. 
  • Jack
  • Tire gauge
  • Air compressor (portable)
  • Duct tape
  • Oil
  • Windex
  • Rags and/or paper towel
  • Large plastic storage bin
  • Drinking water
  • Snacks
  • Cash (for race gas, lunch, etc.)
  • Helmet
  • Torque wrench
  • Camera
  • Long sleeve shirts
  • Chair(s)
  • Rotate your tires between days

If you have any other questions about track events, please drop me an email.  Many people have a misconception of what track events are all about.  They see them as scary, just to abusive on the car, too dangerous, etc.  I'd be happy to de-mystify them for you :)

Here is video of me at TWS!  The video camera is in Pete Haas' car with him following me.  Enjoy 1 lap at TWS!